The Llano Estacado, roughly translated as meaning “Staked Plains”, is a geographical area running from the Plains of Eastern New Mexico, into the Texas Panhandle, and down south towards the Pecos River. While “grassy plains” is the more common meaning provided, the area actually includes some incredibly diverse landscapes within its boundaries; Palo Duro Canyon being a prime example.
The history of the area is also incredibly rich and diverse, ranging from Native Peoples and thunderous herds of buffalo, through to The Burning of Texico and the Shooting of Billy the Kid, and onto to a Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) military base housing the V-22 Osprey; which, by the way, just happens to be built and assembled at a facility that’s also based on The Llano. And speaking of airplanes, Clovis Regional Airport (KCVN) is a great little airport and is right down the road.  Economically speaking, while history and some overgeneralizations tend to lead to the impression that most folks on The Llano either farm, work with cattle, or drill for oil, rumor has it the ‘budding’ cannabis business has been booming and may provide a more pleasant aroma for local folks going forward.  Just sayin’ … 😉